Durmitor National Park

This UNESCO national park  in the north west of Montenegro is little heard of in the UK, but if you’re looking for somewhere new to go then this is a fabulous place that is definitely worth exploring. Zabljak is the nearest town and has everything you could need, a few restaurants, hostels, hotels and aContinue reading “Durmitor National Park”

Andorra (and Spain)

When Adam came to visit we had already decided we were going to go to Andorra because I’d found the Tourist Information App that showed loads of different outdoor activity spots. It was however a longer drive to Toulouse Airport than I had envisaged so we wanted to do more than we had time for-Continue reading “Andorra (and Spain)”

Learning to Fly

Not going to lie, the weather forecast wasn’t looking great as I prepared for my trip to Algodonales. So why am I going to this tiny town in Spain? To learn to Paraglide! Since visiting Gerlitzen a couple of years ago, I have wanted to travel Europe and learn to fly for myself, but havingContinue reading “Learning to Fly”

Cairngorm 4000s

  The Cairngorms are the mountain range south of Inverness in Scotland. I was in Scotland for 2 weeks doing various things, including Paddleboarding the Great Glen, but I’m going to restrain this post to my hiking adventures. I’d never stayed in a Bothy, so I decided I would go and find one. I hadContinue reading “Cairngorm 4000s”

Pembrokeshire Coastal Path: Failed Challenge, but Learnt a Lot

I had 2 weeks of holiday to use up before the end of my work leave year at the end of march, but what should I do with it? I had hoped to go to Spain and learn to paraglide, but as my wrist was still a bit feeble after damaging the bone while inContinue reading “Pembrokeshire Coastal Path: Failed Challenge, but Learnt a Lot”

Costa Rica

The most amazing wildlife and scenery! This was the first solo trip outside of Europe so was a little nervous when I set out, but then the practicalities of getting yourself where you need to be on time for flights distracted me enough that I didn’t really think about it until I was on theContinue reading “Costa Rica”